Thursday, October 11, 2012

Have you been following #ECGA?

I have been giving little nuggets, insights, and chapter previews of my current book release. I’m trying to build up interest. I honestly don’t know if it has made any impact, but I’m proud that I’ve been persistent with it and actually have something to show for it.

If anyone should ever get the notion to look up the initials of my first book and add a hash tag to it, they will find quite a bit to keep them busy, and I’m still adding to the list. I’ve posted one-liners, questions, articles, and excerpts. Surely, there is something there peak someone’s interest.

#ECGA is easy sometimes, but sometimes it’s hard. I don’t have as much time to put into as I wish I did. Sometimes I feel like I’m not sharing enough or that I’m sharing the wrong stuff. I feel like I’m just picking and choosing random lines from the book to post, even though I know, I am actually trying to pick relevant stuff to post.

In any case, I know I’m making the effort. Maybe one day all this will amount to something more, but for now, #ECGA is keeping me alert and in the game.
There are just 10 days until my birthday, but I don’t have anything big planned for me. I do have something for my fans going down. To get things started, for a chance to win an Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel swag pack and a $5 gift card, tell me when Mira’s birthday is. This link may help. 40 Day & Nights of Eternal Curse. Follow this blog and my twitter page to find when the next question will be posted so you’ll have more chances to win.