Sunday is a weekly posting from my pre-published work in progress Eternal Curse:
Giovanni’s Angel. Each week I will post approximately 100 – 150 words from this
installment of the series. Please visit the
ToiBox to read samples of my other works.
Curse: Giovanni’s Angel chapter 2
Mira wasn’t the only person to respond to the
question, but her response was unlike any other. Her response wasn’t over
thought, super profound, or cluttered with large intellectual words. She simply
wrote, “I believe that evil can come into the presence of righteousness, but it
cannot dwell there for long. I believe that people are both good and bad at
different times in their lives and under many different circumstances. I do not
believe that people are truly evil, only guided by it; and in the end it is
their choice.” Mira felt compassion for the person who’d asked the question.
She thought that he or she must have really been going through a serious
personal crisis to ask such a question to anyone willing to respond.
Count: 128
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time, Toi Thomas. #cursescanbebroken