Monday, October 21, 2013

Marketing Your Book on a Budget 2013: A Review By Paula Hrbacek

provided by author
Marketing Your Book on a Budget 2013, by Kathryn Jones
Pages: 46

Reading level:  General
Genre: Non-iction
Content Rating: General
Publisher: Idea Creations Press; 2013 edition (March 15, 2013)
Format: ebook (also available in paperback)

A quick guide for indie authors, Four Stars, 5-29-13

I received a copy of “Marketing Your Book on a Budget 2013” as a free Kindle download when I responded to a discussion posted on Linked In.  The author, Kathryn Jones, is a published author who shares some of the avenues she has found for marketing a fiction book. 
It is a good start for someone who doesn’t have a clue about what to do about marketing a book.  Many self-published authors jump into the fire not realizing just how much promotion they will have to do in order to make their book successful.  This booklet is a quick overview of some of the things they need to consider and do, such as set up a web site, engage in social media, and have promotional materials available.
Each chapter lists a few of the resources the author has found for promoting her book.  It lists a few blogs and web sites that will run promotional copy.  But it is not an exhaustive list, nor does it include every avenue possible.  It talks about requesting reviews and how to write a cover letter, but it didn’t mention press releases and how to write one.  It mentioned post cards, but not business cards, bookmarks or magnets.  It didn’t say what companies will print these items inexpensively, or how to make your own on a computer.  It listed web sites that promote fiction, but not nonfiction.
The book ends with information about a publishing company and the services they offer.  That means that this book is a promotional item, just like the free pens and coffee cups you get at the bank.  So, if you have the chance to get a copy for free, take it.
I was given a Kindle version, but would have liked a paper copy better.  If it had blank pages where I could add my own resources, then it might become a useful tool that I could turn to every time I publish a book.  I turned to taking notes, and wrote down a full page of web sites to check out.  But, format is in the eyes of the beholder, and ease of use depends on how many computer skills you have.  It is available in paperback, so that choice needs to be made at the time it is ordered. Amazon, Kindle.

Paula Hrbacek is the author of five books including: Stars Shine After Dark, a sweet Christian romance, available in paperback, Kindle and Nook, and Day Camp in Hawaii, a complete program guide for summer camp or summer school, available in paperback, Nook and Kindle.  For more information see or her author page at She also writes two columns for The Examiner, a free online newspaper; Children’s Artsand Crafts, and Book Reviews.

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