Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Review: Ready Player One

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

I totally give this book a 5!

Even if you like can’t stand videogames, this book is entertaining enough to make you laugh, cry, and root for its hero to the very end. Wade is a reject in a futuristic world filled with social outcasts, but the up side to this is the OASIS. An entire multiverse of alternate realities to escape to and it’s free. The term videogame doesn’t even really apply to the OASIS. It’s virtual reality that’s better than reality and there’s something for everyone, really. So what’s the problem with Wade? A challenge has just been sent out to every person in the world, including him, for a chance to take ownership of the OASIS and there are quite a few who are more than willing to play dirty. Own the OASIS, own the world (real and virtual). Wade wants to be a hero and so does, almost, everyone else.

All geekness aside, do you remember the feeling, the phenomenon that was Star Wars when it first came out, or maybe The Godfather, Titanic, Avatar…whatever floats your boat? That’s how I felt when I read this book. The story is told from Wade’s point of view and he’s a pretty honest character. I adore all the characters in this story even the villains. I couldn’t get enough of the pop-culture references and mash-ups from: general 80’s trivia, musical facts, movie quotes, and more. Of course there are endless references to famous and infamous videogames and I enjoyed every bit of it.

I know this is a good book because as much of a geek as I am, videogames aren’t my thing. I’m into comic books and cartoons. Even knowing that, the videogame stuff was accessible, intriguing, and entertaining. Above all, this is the story of an underdog and who doesn’t love that. This is the story of one kid fighting against the whole world to be something, somebody, a hero when he’s been nothing for so long. I can’t say enough good things about this story.

I’d recommend this story to anyone, but there a few PG-13 passages  and some language parents might be concerned with…I can’t wait for this to become a movie, as long as they’ve read the book first and do it justice.

This review has been posted to GoodReads
If you’d like to obtain a copy of this book, try these links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble.

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